Popup Demo's (Don't be scared by the looks, I am a coder, not a designer)

Simple popup with inline text

HTML <a class="one" data-content="Give me just a simple line of text or a quote please!">Click</a> JS $(document).ready(function() { $("a.one").on("click", function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $(this).simplePopup(); }); });

Simple popup with HTML block

HTML <a class="two">Click</a> <div id="popup1"> <h1>This is it!!</h1> <p>Here we go!</p> <ul> <li>Check this list</li> <li>Beautiful</li> <li>...</li> </ul> </div> JS $(document).ready(function() { $("a.two").on("click", function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $(this).simplePopup({ type: "html", htmlSelector: "#popup1" }); }); });

This is it!!

Here we go!

Simple popup with HTML block with too long content

HTML <div id="popup2"> <h1>This is it!!</h1> <ul> <li>Wow this looks like long content</li> <li>Wow this looks like long content</li> <li>Wow this looks like long content</li> <li>Wow this looks like long content</li> <li>Wow this looks like long content</li> <li>Wow this looks like long content</li> <li>Wow this looks like long content</li> <li>Wow this looks like long content</li> <li>Wow this looks like long content</li> <li>Wow this looks like long content</li> <li>Wow this looks like long content</li> <li>Wow this looks like long content</li> <li>Wow this looks like long content</li> <li>Wow this looks like long content</li> <li>Wow this looks like long content</li> <li>Wow this looks like long content</li> <li>Wow this looks like long content</li> <li>Wow this looks like long content</li> <li>Wow this looks like long content</li> <li>Wow this looks like long content</li> <li>Wow this looks like long content</li> <li>Wow this looks like long content</li> <li>Wow this looks like long content</li> <li>Wow this looks like long content</li> <li>Wow this looks like long content</li> <li>Wow this looks like long content</li> <li>Wow this looks like long content</li> <li>Wow this looks like long content</li> <li>Wow this looks like long content</li> <li>Wow this looks like long content</li> <li>Wow this looks like long content</li> <li>Wow this looks like long content</li> <li>Wow this looks like long content</li> <li>Wow this looks like long content</li> <li>Wow this looks like long content</li> <li>Wow this looks like long content</li> <li>Wow this looks like long content</li> <li>Wow this looks like long content</li> <li>Wow this looks like long content</li> <li>Wow this looks like long content</li> <li>Wow this looks like long content</li> <li>Wow this looks like long content</li> <li>Wow this looks like long content</li> <li>Wow this looks like long content</li> <li>Wow this looks like long content</li> <li>Wow this looks like long content</li> <li>Wow this looks like long content</li> <li>Wow this looks like long content</li> <li>Wow this looks like long content</li> <li>Wow this looks like long content</li> <li>Wow this looks like long content</li> <li>Wow this looks like long content</li> <li>Wow this looks like long content</li> <li>Wow this looks like long content</li> <li>Wow this looks like long content</li> <li>Wow this looks like long content</li> <li>Wow this looks like long content</li> <li>Wow this looks like long content</li> <li>Wow this looks like long content</li> </ul> </div> JS $(document).ready(function() { $("a.three").on("click", function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $(this).simplePopup({ type: "html", htmlSelector: "#popup2" }); }); });

This is it!!

Simple popup with options

Different height, different width, no close button, escape button disabled and backgrounds and opacities

HTML <a class="four" data-content="Give me just a simple line of text or a quote please!">Click</a> JS $(document).ready(function() { var options = { width: "800px", height: "400px", closeCross: false, escapeKey: false, fadeInTimingFunction: "steps(5, end)", fadeInDuration: 1.0, fadeOutTimingFunction: "ease-in-out", fadeOutDuration: 2.2, background: "lightblue", backdrop: 0.8, backdropBackground: "red" }; $("a.four").on("click", function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $(this).simplePopup(options); }); });

Simple popup with callbacks

HTML <a class="five" data-content="Give me just a simple line of text or a quote please!">Click</a> JS $(document).ready(function() { var options = { beforeOpen: function(html) { html.find(".simple-popup-content").prepend("<h1>Voila</h1>"); }, afterOpen: function(html) { html.find(".simple-popup-content").css("background", "lightgreen"); }, beforeClose: function(html) { alert("We are going to close now!"); }, afterClose: function() { alert("Closed now!"); } }; $("a.five").on("click", function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $(this).simplePopup(options); }); });

Simple popup with no CSS in HTML

The file "dist/jquery.simple-popup.settings.css" is included and used

HTML <link href="dist/jquery.simple-popup.settings.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <a class="six" data-content="Give me just a simple line of text or a quote please!">Click</a> JS $(document).ready(function() { var options = { inlineCss: false }; $("a.six").on("click", function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $(this).simplePopup(options); }); });

Simple popups, the same popup on 3 links

Click Click Click
HTML <a class="seven" href="#" data-content="Give me just a simple line of text or a quote please!">Click</a> <a class="seven" href="#" data-content="Give me just a simple line of text or a quote please!">Click</a> <a class="seven" href="#" data-content="Give me just a simple line of text or a quote please!">Click</a> JS $(document).ready(function() { $("a.seven").on("click", function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $(this).simplePopup(); }); });